Friday, August 04, 2006

JUDGING A PARTY BY ITS WEB SITE: A quick review of the Democratic Party's web site exposes a party so consumed by its loathing of President Bush and the GOP that it fails to offer voters any substantive information on where it stands on the issues of the day. . . . Every issue area on the Democrat's web site begins with such nonspecific statements followed by attacks on the President and the Republicans in Congress. In fact, more web space is devoted to attacking Republicans than to advancing Democratic positions. . . . Out of curiosity, I also navigated my web browser to the Republican Party's web site in search of the GOP's agenda for America. Remarkably, I found a party that laid out clear positions on every political issue imaginable, while devoting almost no space at all to attacking the Democratic Party, its positions, or its members. . . . There are virtually no attacks and no hateful rhetoric, just clear, detailed positions on where Republicans stand. -- Greg C. Reeson,, 8/3/06

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