Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Culture War battlefields are in classrooms

Common sense, traditional values Americans are outraged that schools are allowing Gay-Straight Alliances (GSA) into schools. They want to know who is behind these clubs and their true motivations.

The plain truth is that both the GSA and Gay, Lesbian, Straight Educators Network (GLSEN), the organization that registers GSAs, are part of a vast, interconnected network of Cultural Marxist front groups known collectively as the New Left. For over forty years, the New Left---a collection of Marxists, Stalinists, Trotskyites, Maoists, and anarchists have been waging a Gramscian style “quiet revolution” for the overthrow of Christianity and America’s Constitution, Rule of Law, sovereignty, and way of life.

While propagandists in the media have deftly kept the attention of most folks riveted on what they’ve been told to believe are the ‘real threats’ to America, such as gas prices, genuine Christianity, and mad cow disease, Marxist-trained psychopoliticians, propagandists, and change agents have descended upon the schools and are subjecting children and older youth to thought control and social re-engineering methodologies.

A position paper unwittingly published by the ACLU of Texas reveals why, “This generation of children will be the next generation of adult citizens who will make decisions on the directions this country will take. They will be molded by whatever education they receive.” (The ACLU vs. America, Alan Sears and Craig Osten, p 71) . . .

In the overthrowing of America, Cultural Marxists are utilizing a criminal methodology which originated in the USSR and whose ultimate goal can be characterized by its operative doctrine—nihilism. “Nihilism: originally in Russia, a social doctrine that defied all authority; revolutionism bent on the overthrow of all existing institutions.” (Funk and Wagnall’s Dictionary, 1948)

Two key strategies included within the doctrine of nihilism were added after WWI by two Marxist theoreticians, Antonio Gramsci and Georg Lukacs. These strategies had to do with how to destroy the Christian West, which both men concluded was the obstacle standing in the way of a communist new world order.

Gramsci posited that because Christianity had been dominant in the West for over 1600 years, it was therefore completely fused with Western civilization. The West, advised Gramsci, would have to be dechristianized and simultaneously atheitized by means of a “long march through the culture” so as to slowly infiltrate and then radically transform every cultural institution from the family, to the church, seminaries, schools, universities, judiciary, media, entertainment, politics, and political parties.

Extreme (obscene) sex education was the strategy added by Lukacs. He reasoned that if Christian sexual ethics such as chastity (abstinence), fidelity, and monogamy could be undermined among children, then both the hated traditional family and Christianity would be dealt crippling blows. Towards this end, Lukacs launched radical sex education programs in the schools. Children, under the control of Bolshevik commissars, were force-fed atheism and instructed in all aspects of promiscuity while simultaneously encouraged to deride and reject their parents, pastors, and Christian moral ethics. All of this was accompanied by a reign of terror perpetrated against parents, priests, and other dissenters. Lukacs’ strategic method would later be brought to American schools by among others, the NEA, ACLU, GLSEN, and GSA. . . .

How ironic that though the West won the Cold War, it is losing the ‘Culture War’ to the Church of Criminal Orthodoxy. While we were not paying attention it stealthily crept into America and began injecting its ‘moral insanity’ producing venom into America’s cultural institutions. Working under cover as multiculturalism, diversity, tolerance, sexual orientation, safe schools/safe sex, reproductive choice, porn as free speech, etc., the evil empire has entrenched itself right here in America. . . .

If we wish to remain free, we must turn back to and rededicate ourselves to the source of our freedom and personal liberties: God the Creator and the principles of Christianity. Parents must protect their children and keep them out of the grasping hands of the Church of Criminal Orthodoxy. And as a people united by the principles of freedom and personal liberty, we must commit ourselves to the long and arduous fight to recapture every square inch of our culture, laws, and government and cleanse them of the corruptions caused by the Church of Criminal Orthodoxy.

-- Linda Kimball, opinioneditorials.com, 10/11/06

Friday, November 16, 2007

The secret (and weakness) of America

Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret and genius of her power. America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great. -- Alexis de Tocqueville, quoted in "In the Words of Ronald Reagan", by Michael Reagan

[If this has a familiar ring to some of you, it may be because it restates what King Mosiah in the Book of Mormon said two millenia ago. (See Mosiah 29: 26-27) -- KJK ]

The weakness (and dark secret) of America

As America moves into the 21st century, we have yet to admit a shameful, dark secret. Evolutionism -- the creation myth, that empowered Nazism and Communism,is being taught to America's youth in our government-controlled schools. The animalization of Americans is well advanced and coupled to a corresponding slow collapse of human worth. Already we hear of human life spoken of in dehumanizing categories such as 'vegetable,' "non-persons," and 'uterine content.'

Ominously, Evolutionary Humanism has also outstripped Judeo-Christian precepts in our universities, judiciary, federal bureaucracy, corporations, medicine,law, psychology, sociology, entertainment, news media and halls of Congress. As Biocentrism it fuels the nonhuman animal rights project, the gay rights movement, radical feminism, and the increasingly powerful and influential green environmentalist program, which demands that America submit to the draconian mandates of the Kyoto Treaty.

America, the "moral force that defeated communism" is on the verge of completely rejecting God, the natural order, and moral absolutes and instead,embracing the godless religion of evolution, amorality, and the unnatural.

-- Linda Kimball, opinioneditorials.com, 6/20/07

Civil war and the family

In the "The Siege of Western Civilization," Herb Meyers, former CIA analyst in the Reagan administration and one of the first scholars to predict the implosion of the Soviet Union, explains that there are three major threats to the survival of Western Christian-Judeo Civilization. The first of these is the war with radical Islam. The second is the incredible plunging birthrates throughout the West and Japan. We have stopped breeding, said Meyers, and this may well lead not only to destruction of the world economy, but to the extinction of entire populations. Nothing like this has ever happened before in the history of the world, declared Herb. Western Europe and Japan, said Meyers,are catastrophes simply waiting to happen. The third threat is what Meyers termed the 'second civil war' being waged within America by a coalition of God-hating progressive secular humanists (socialists), and Cultural Marxists(multiculturalists). As Meyers cautioned, these revolutionaries mean to overthrow and destroy the America of our Founders and its traditional Christian-Judeo based culture. . . .

As revealed by [William] Hinds, the traditional family is the foundation of personal property, which is why Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, George Lukacs and comrades sought its destruction. Likewise, it's why today's Cultural Marxists are viciously attacking it and promoting sexually fluid alternatives such as polygamy and same-sex marriages. Additionally, since all goods are to be shared equally -- even sex -- and promiscuity is, therefore, a prominent feature of secularized communal societies, Christian sexual ethics such as abstinence, fidelity, and monogamy are as antithetical as are the ideas of personal property and individual rights and freedoms.

-- Linda Kimball, opinioneditorials.com, 9/1/06

Why governments don't shrink

... The "big trends" in world history are going our way. The American way of life and doing business is spreading at an amazing rate around the world and throughout our country, as entrepreneurs create new companies and new value every day. The people, in general, "get it."

It is the politicians who don't. In fact, to a great degree the very temperament that makes somebody likely to run for office makes them an unlikely candidate for shrinking government. It is often, even usually, that it is a desire for power that motivates candidates. It is the need to limit government power that lies at the root of the conservative insight.

-- David Strom, townhall.com, 10/24/07

Understanding Atheism

Those who become agnostic or atheist often say that it was due to an intellectual journey or an intellectually honest re-appraisal of childhood faith. But, as my mentor David L. McMillen used to say, "People rarely understand their own motivations." -- Mike Adams, townhall.com, 10/29/07

Romney Concepts 101

I believe the free market works and government doesn't -- that when government takes over a function which can be effectively managed in the free market, we make a huge mistake. -- Mitt Romney, quoted by Brian M. Carney, opinionjournal.com, 11/12/07

As usual, it boils down to greed

Vouchers are adamantly opposed by the teacher unions, which spent millions persuading Utah voters last week to repeal a voucher law passed by the legislature. No one can say for sure how much vouchers would improve education. But they are "forces of competition," as Greenspan puts it, which we're almost entirely prevented from harnessing because of the power of teacher unions -- the power, more specifically, that they wield in the Democratic Party. ...

The teacher unions are an incredibly important source of money and volunteers for the Democratic Party -- about one in 10 delegates at recent Democratic national conventions have been teacher union members or their spouses. When they snap their fingers, the Democrats jump. Vouchers threaten to dry up dues money, and that is that. -- Michael Barone, Townhall.com, 11/12/07

The greatest scam in history

I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it. Global Warming; It is a SCAM. Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create in allusion of rapid global warming. Other scientists of the same environmental whacko type jumped into the circle to support and broaden the 'research' to further enhance the totally slanted, bogus global warming claims.Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going. Soon they claimed to be a consensus... I do not oppose environmentalism. I do not oppose the political positions of either party.However, Global Warming, ie Climate Change, is not about environmentalism or politics. It is not a religion. It is not something you 'believe in.' It is science; the science of meteorology. This is my field of life-long expertise.And I am telling you Global Warming is a non-event, a manufactured crisis and a total scam. I say this knowing you probably won't believe a me, a mere TV weatherman, challenging a Nobel Prize, Academy Award and Emmy Award winning former Vice President of United States. So be it... There is no run away climate change. The impact of humans on climate is not catastrophic. Our planet is not in peril... In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As the temperature rises, polar ice cap melting, coastal flooding and super storm pattern all fail to occur as predicted everyone will come to realize we have been duped. The sky is not falling. -- John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hillary's forked tongue

Here, boiled down, is what [Hillary Clinton] said [in the recent Democratic debate].

Giving illegal immigrants drivers licenses makes sense because it makes sense, but she may not be for it, but undocumented workers should come out of the shadows, and it makes sense. Maybe she will increase the payroll tax on Social Security beyond its current $97,500 limit, to $200,000. Maybe not. Everybody knows what the possibilities are. She may or may not back a 4% federal surcharge on singles making $150,000 a year and couples making $200,000. She suggested she backed it, said she didn't back it, she then called it a good start, or rather "I support and admire" the person proposing such a tax for his "willingness to take this on."

She has been accused of doubletalk and she has denied it. And she is right. It was triple talk, quadruple talk, Olympic level nonresponsiveness. And it was, even for her, rather heavy and smug. Her husband would have had the sense to look embarrassed as he bobbed and weaved. It was part of his charm. But he was light on his feet. She turns every dance into the polka. And it is that amazing thing, a grim polka.

-- Peggy Noonan, OpinionJournal.com, 11/2/07

Religion *IS* being taught in public schools

Opponents of school vouchers say tax money shouldn't go to support religious schools. Obviously they don't realize just how much religion is being taught in the public schools today: atheism, homosexuality, situational ethics, mental mediocrity, sexual promiscuity. These principles are the foundation of humanism, twice declared by the Supreme Court to be a religion. Why should families with conservative religious beliefs have to pay twice for their children's education? -- Ellen Hindman, The Deseret Morning News, 11/1/07

Atheism's Gift to Humanity

If we look at the history of Western civilization, we find that Christianity has illuminated the greatest achievements of the culture. Read the new atheist books and make a list of the institutions and values that Hitchens and Dawkins and the others cherish the most. They value the idea of the individual, and the right to dissent, and science as an autonomous enterprise, and representative democracy, and human rights, and equal rights for women and racial minorities,and the movement to end slavery, and compassion as a social virtue. But when you examine history you find that all of these values came into the world because of Christianity. If Christianity did not exist, these values would not exist in the form they do now. So there is indeed something great about Christianity, and the honest atheist should be willing to admit this.

By contrast, does it make any sense to say, as Hitchens does in his book's subtitle, that "religion poisons everything"? Religion didn't poison Dante or Milton or Donne or Michelangelo or Raphael or Titian or Bach! Religion didn't poison those unnamed architectural geniuses who built the great Gothic cathedrals. Religion didn't poison the American founders who were for the most part not Deist but Christian. Religion didn't poison the anti-slavery campaigns of William Lloyd Garrison or William Wilberforce, or the civil rights activism of the Reverend Martin Luther King. The real question to ask is, what does atheism offer humanity? In Tonga, as in America, the answer appears to be: Nothing.

-- Dinesh D'Souza, townhall.com, 11/1/07

Republican Hindsight

You know what? Standing on principle is a good idea. Too bad we didn't do it when we were in the majority. -- Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), GOP Debate, 10/09/07

How do you define "hate speech"?

Hate speech is verbal communication that induces anger due to the listener's inability to offer an intelligent response.

Because this inability to offer an intelligent response is due to one of two reasons, there are really two different types of hate speech: 1)Speech that is too dumb to merit an intelligent response, and 2) Speech for which the listener is too dumb to offer an intelligent response. . . .

The similarity between the two principal forms of hate speech is obvious: They both induce anger in the listener, regardless of whether the speaker expressed his view with any feeling of hatred or animosity. . . .

Islamic advocacy of violence is not classified as "hate speech" because it induces fear, not anger.
-- Mike Adams, townhall.com, 10/22/07

Atheist Indoctrination Practices

Philosopher Richard Rorty argued that secular professors in the universities ought "to arrange things so that students who enter as bigoted, homophobic religious fundamentalists will leave college with views more like our own." Rorty noted that students are fortunate to find themselves under the control "of people like me, and to have escaped the grip of their frightening, vicious, dangerous parents." Indeed, parents who send their children to college should recognize that as professors "we are going to go right on trying to discredit you in the eyes of your children, trying to strip your fundamentalist religious community of dignity, trying to make your views seem silly rather than discussable."

This is how many secular teachers treat the traditional beliefs of students. The strategy is not to argue with religious views or to prove them wrong. Rather, it is to subject them to such scorn that they are pushed outside the bounds of acceptable debate. This strategy is effective because young people who go to good colleges are extremely eager to learn what it means to be an educated Harvard man or Stanford woman. Consequently their teachers can very easily steer them to think a certain way merely by making that point of view seem fashionable and enlightened. Similarly, teachers can pressure students to abandon what their parents taught them simply by labeling those positions as simplistic and unsophisticated.

-- Dinesh D'Souza, townhall.com, 10/22/07

Election Issues for Evangelicals

Here is what I believe is at stake in this election:
  • Someone is almost certain to appoint two, three, or four justices to the Supreme Court. Do we want that person to be Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney?
  • Someone will cast vision and lead Congress on matters of national security, including securing our borders against illegal immigration. Should that be Hillary, Rudy or Mitt?
  • Someone will deal with the definition of marriage in America -- and will either defend and model a faithful marriage and strong family, or not. Who should that person be?
  • Someone will either defend unborn life -- or defend those who place THEIR rights and desires above those who can't defend themselves. Would we prefer that Clinton, Giuliani or Romney be in that position?
  • Someone will need to deal with radical Islamic Jihadists and the threat they pose to our nation. As evangelicals, do we want to entrust Hillary Clinton, Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney with that critical assignment?
  • Finally, someone will either welcome evangelicals and people of faith into the White House and their administration; or shut them out of deliberations and consideration for various appointments. Would Hillary, Rudy or Mitt be most accepting of evangelicals and people of faith?

. . . I concluded that I am more concerned that a candidate shares my values than he shares my theology.

-- Evangelist Mark DeMoss, quoted by Hugh Hewitt, townhall.com, 10/11/07


I don't buy the concept that any reduction in taxes is lost revenue to the government. . . . Generally speaking, lower taxes and lower tax rates grow the economy. It's been proven in the '20s, it was proven during the Kennedy administration, proven during the Reagan administration, and again during this administration.
-- Fred Thompson, GOP Debate, 10/10/07

Do-gooders, Money, and Power

Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, 'What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.' But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector. Yet any time you and I question the schemes of the do-gooders, we're denounced as being opposed to their humanitarian goals. It seems impossible to legitimately debate their solutions with the assumption that all of us share the desire to help the less fortunate. They tell us we're always 'against,' never 'for' anything. -- Ronald Reagan