Friday, November 16, 2007

Civil war and the family

In the "The Siege of Western Civilization," Herb Meyers, former CIA analyst in the Reagan administration and one of the first scholars to predict the implosion of the Soviet Union, explains that there are three major threats to the survival of Western Christian-Judeo Civilization. The first of these is the war with radical Islam. The second is the incredible plunging birthrates throughout the West and Japan. We have stopped breeding, said Meyers, and this may well lead not only to destruction of the world economy, but to the extinction of entire populations. Nothing like this has ever happened before in the history of the world, declared Herb. Western Europe and Japan, said Meyers,are catastrophes simply waiting to happen. The third threat is what Meyers termed the 'second civil war' being waged within America by a coalition of God-hating progressive secular humanists (socialists), and Cultural Marxists(multiculturalists). As Meyers cautioned, these revolutionaries mean to overthrow and destroy the America of our Founders and its traditional Christian-Judeo based culture. . . .

As revealed by [William] Hinds, the traditional family is the foundation of personal property, which is why Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, George Lukacs and comrades sought its destruction. Likewise, it's why today's Cultural Marxists are viciously attacking it and promoting sexually fluid alternatives such as polygamy and same-sex marriages. Additionally, since all goods are to be shared equally -- even sex -- and promiscuity is, therefore, a prominent feature of secularized communal societies, Christian sexual ethics such as abstinence, fidelity, and monogamy are as antithetical as are the ideas of personal property and individual rights and freedoms.

-- Linda Kimball,, 9/1/06

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