Thursday, April 26, 2007

May I Suggest Impeachment?

In the long-term, the Democrats will be hurt by what Harry Reid is saying [i.e. "this war is lost" ] and what other senior Democrats are not saying. -- Rich Galen,, 4/26/07


Eric the Half-bee said...

And Senator Obama says "we're one signature away from ending [the] war." I wonder, how did he get al Sadr, bin Laden and al Zawahiri to sign off on that?

How naive.

Leaving a fight at recess doesn't mean they won't come looking for you after school in order to finish it.

Eric the Half-bee said...

However, that said, read this. There' a lot of merit to what he has to say.

Eric the Half-bee said...

Oops, that link didn't work. Let's try it again.