Tuesday, June 20, 2006

When a liberal is defending the UN, the arguments are generally based on some perceived notion that just because the majority of petty juntas, Communist dictatorships, and radical theocracies of the world have an opinion about something, then that opinion is, by default, granted the coveted Liberal mantle of "international moral authority." ... There is ... a pathological obsession to force the United States to conform to the bidding of the absolute worst of the member states. ... American sovereignty is the only thing that keeps Americans free and preserves our way of life. -- Justin Darr, opinioneditorials.com, 6/20/06

Global warming hysteria is merely anti-Western, anti-capitalist political activism masquerading as science. The aim of its proponents, aside from the gullible college crowd that might actually swallow such unproven conclusions uncritically, is to use fear to take power. Let's not be foolish enough to destroy ourselves without a thorough examination of their claims. -- Joe Mariani, opinioneditorials.com, 6/20/06

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