Friday, January 26, 2007


The common denominator of all these recent predictions of doom [i.e. climate change, overpopulation, etc.] is that we are told that there is only one way to prevent certain disaster: hand over our individual freedoms and control of the economy to a political elite. . . .

The content of the predictions themselves is irrelevant, the general solution is always the same: hand control of politics and the economy over to an elite who know what is good for us, and they will save you from yourselves.

In other words, hand money, power and fame to the few and they will reward you with your lives. Pretty much the same deal that feudal lords gave their serfs.

The prophesies of doom and gloom are just another version of a political and intellectual elite grasping for power. And of that, I would say, you should be very afraid.

-- David Strom,, 1/26/07

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